
Why does your cat follow you everywhere around the house?

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. November 12 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

If your pet often follows you around, sometimes making it hard to even move, there could be several reasons. Some are harmless, while others may require your attention.


When your cat constantly follows you, it’s definitely trying to communicate something. It’s important to understand its message. Let’s look at the most common reasons for this behavior!

cat follows its owner, who strokes it

This is why your cat follows you around

1.) Your cat is hungry

The most common reason your cat stays by your side is that it’s mealtime. Often, this comes with plaintive meows. Some cats are more food-motivated than others and may try to get extra treats even outside of feeding times, especially if they’re used to being given rewards. For these food-loving cats, it’s important to be mindful of portion control to avoid weight gain. Training with treats can also be effective with these cats.

2.) It wants attention or closeness

It’s a misconception that cats don’t need human companionship. If a cat noticeably follows its owner, it likely wants to be near them and craves attention. If your cat settles wherever you are, looks at you with an expressive gaze, or curls up in your lap, take some time to show affection. You can pet, groom, or play with it. Try to understand what your pet needs at that moment—it might just want to cuddle on the couch, or it might enjoy some interactive play.

a happy cat sleeping on its owner’s lap

3.) It’s curious about what you’re doing

Cats may follow you simply because they’re curious about what you’re up to. If your cat doesn’t leave your side while you’re in the kitchen, it’s likely driven by its nose (and stomach), but other interesting activities may also catch its attention. In such cases, try involving it in the task. For example, if you’re folding clothes, you could hide a toy behind the pile, stimulating its hunting instincts.

4.) A sick cat follows you to seek help

It’s essential to know that an animal with a trusting relationship with its owner may follow them to ask for help if it’s sick or in physical pain. If your cat follows you and seems off—lethargic, downcast, or has an unusual meow—consider this possibility. It’s best to consult a veterinarian at the first suspicion, as cats are experts at hiding illnesses and health issues.

cat and owner looking at each other

5.) Your cat is stressed

Another common reason is that a cat might seek refuge with its owner when stressed. Since mental well-being is as important as physical health, try to create the calmest possible environment for your pet. Guests, a new pet, neighboring children, or even loud appliances can unsettle a cat. While some things (like the vacuum or a new washing machine’s noise) can’t be eliminated, giving your cat a quiet place where it won’t be disturbed can go a long way in keeping it balanced.

cat and its owner cat body language Game sick cat stress why

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