
Does your cat miss you when you’re not home? Researchers have debunked an old myth

Hangai Lilla

2023. June 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A boldog macska dorombol

The bittersweet feeling is crystal clear in every owner's mind when the long-awaited vacation finally arrives, but they know that they have to leave their furry pet at home. In many people, even the act of going to work in the morning or doing the weekly shopping can make them feel guilty. The only question is, does your pet miss you at these times?


Cats have been accused unfairly many times of sticking to people out of selfish purpose. A research refuted this cruel assumption. Just as it is true for dogs, it is also true for cats that they all have separate personalities, so they probably show their sense of loss in a slightly different way. However, the following 5 signs can be a guarantee that a cat misses its owner.

1. Loving behaviour

If your cat loves you, it automatically means that it misses you when you are not at home. When your cat greets you, it’s always a sign that it’s glad to see you home. But this is not the only sign with which they express their love. If your pet purrs and meows, curls up and rests in your lap, licks you, rubs its head against you, and likes to be in the room where you are, then you can count yourself very lucky. The relationship between you and your cat is harmonious and loving.

Our favorite signal is slow blinking. If your furry friend looks at you for a long moment, then slowly closes its eyes and then looks at you again, this is also an expression of feline love. If you have the opportunity, always return this kind gesture with a slow blink too.

2. Trying to get attention

Some cats will do anything to get attention when the owner is home. Literally anything. The little devils don’t even shy away from knocking over water glasses. Slapping things or persistent and loud meowing are probably not unknown to you either. Moreover, some people even report that their pet is able to get in their way with their own bodies if they are busy with other things.

Don’t you already think about these insolences with a lighter heart, if you know that it’s all just because it missed you so terribly?

3. Destructive behaviour

If your cat is really upset, it can even use the ultimate weapon. Cats usually exhibit destructive behavior when they are alone and bored. They can chew or scratch the furniture, knock over the flowers, or even rebaptize the bathroom rug as litter tray.

This type of behavior can cause both you a lot of annoyance. If you’re away a lot, it’s worth thinking about how you could spend a little more time at home, but it’s also important to pay attention to other signs, because unfortunately there may be an illness in the background; we recommend that you consult your veterinarian about your cat’s behavior.

4. Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety affects not only dogs, but also cats. This phenomenon is especially noticeable in abused or adopted animals. Similar symptoms appear as in destructive behavior. If you feel that your cat’s mental health is in crisis, don’t be afraid to visit a veterinarian. You know how it is; happy pet = happy owner.

5. Depression

Yes, unfortunately you read that right. Your cat may even become lethargic if it misses you a lot and feels lonely. The following symptoms may indicate the appearance of depression: excessive meowing, loss of appetite, sudden weight loss or weight gain, failure to care for the fur. Apart from these, even their body language can be revealing. If they tuck their tails and flip their ears back, something is wrong.

We think you already know, but if you experience something like this, go to the vet!

How do they know you love them?

In order to strengthen the bond and thereby show your cat that it is safe even when you are not with it, there are many tricks at your disposal. We warn you not to always express your love with food, but if your pet gets a few  snacks when you leave it home, there is nothing wrong with that. In this way, you connect your departure with a positive event, and the goodbye will be less painful.

You probably already know your cat’s habits. If it is a playful, active animal, try to play with it a lot. If it prefers to curl up and relax on the sofa with you, then don’t be shy, a little relaxation in the hectic weekdays won’t hurt you either. The point is that you spend quality time together in a way that is good for it.

Another very practical tip is to get to know and learn your cat’s body language. You will understand it much more easily and you will be able to respond to its needs more easily.

cat body language cat misses owner happy cat Life love

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