Breed description László Enikő Burmese cat breed: a favourite cat of Buddhist monks who will accompany you to the ends of the Earth
Breed description László Enikő Manx cat breed: his tail was cut off by Noah when he slammed the door of the ark
Breed description László Enikő Singapura cat: the smallest cat in the world, which you can rarely meet in our country
Breed description László Enikő LaPerm cat breed: almost completely hairless and balding as a kitten, later growing a curly coat
Breed description László Enikő Kurilian Bobtail cat breed: for centuries it lived on a remote island waiting to be discovered
Breed description László Enikő Sokoke cat breed: the African tabby cat that once lived in trees and hunted only insects
Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cat: the difference between these two beautiful furballs Life • 3 minutes