Life Ferenczi Deborah This is how your cat signals when it apologises to you: do cats really feel guilty?
Life Hangai Lilla 5 signs that your cat is missing you: perky behaviour hides a proud but feeling heart
Life Hangai Lilla 7 things you probably didn’t know about purring: they usually stop when they hear water running
Life Hangai Lilla The 7 most common cat sounds and their meanings: yowling is not a hysteria, it usually indicates pain or stress
Life Ferenczi Deborah 4 signs your cat wants to show gratitude: how they say thank you in their own language
Life Hangai Lilla Funny cat stories from the vet: the novice owner was told in the emergency room that the sound he thought was a raspy cough was a purr
Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cat: the difference between these two beautiful furballs Life • 3 minutes