Breed description László Enikő Singapura cat: the smallest cat in the world, which you can rarely meet in our country
Breed description László Enikő Peterbald cat breed: feels like you are petting a peach; but he can go completely bald in his lifetime
Breed description László Enikő Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed: the almost completely hairless, folded-eared psychologist
Breed description László Enikő LaPerm cat breed: almost completely hairless and balding as a kitten, later growing a curly coat
Breed description László Enikő Kurilian Bobtail cat breed: for centuries it lived on a remote island waiting to be discovered
Life Hangai Lilla 6 cat breeds for those who own a dog: a dog can be the ideal companion for the active Tonkinese
Breed description László Enikő Ragdoll cat breed: some people believed that aliens have contributed to its development
Smitten, the cat takes a siesta with the kelpies, but is also at home among the bulls (video) Life • 2 minutes