Life Pócsik Judit These 5 cat breeds are the proof that there is such a thing as a dog-cat friendship
Breed description László Enikő American Bobtail cat breed: the charming speciality that will take you to the ends of the earth
Breed description László Enikő Neva Masquerade cat breed: a special patterned version of the Siberian
Breed description László Enikő Lykoi cat breed: the cat nicknamed the werewolf, who owes his interesting appearance to a strange mutation
Breed description László Enikő Burmese cat breed: a favourite cat of Buddhist monks who will accompany you to the ends of the Earth
Breed description László Enikő Manx cat breed: his tail was cut off by Noah when he slammed the door of the ark
Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cat: the difference between these two beautiful furballs Life • 3 minutes