
Video showing how the jaguar drops the giant crocodile

Hangai Lilla

2024. October 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Watching the video of the jaguar and crocodile fight, it takes a long time to decide which one will prevail. The encounter came to a shocking end.


The jaguar is very large even among the big cats, outnumbered only by the lion and the tiger. But it is still astonishing that it can easily become dinner for a crocodile.


The jaguar is an apex predator, which means it is at the top of the food chain and is not hunted by other animals. An adult, weighing 100 kilograms, can bite with its molar teeth at 6,922 newtons, making it the leader among felines. Just to put this in perspective, based on the data available so far, the crocodile seems to have the highest bite force in the terrestrial animal world, estimated at around 16 460 newtons.

There are about 85 different species on the big cat’s menu, and the footage seen in the video is absolutely not a rarity. Indeed, jaguars regularly attack crocodiles with intelligent animals with a very high success rate.

jaguar video

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