
7 things you should never do to your cat: these can hurt their feelings

Hangai Lilla

2023. April 22 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

We think that one of the most important things when keeping cats is to realize that they don't react to most stimuli and events the way we do. So it happens that we hurt them with things that seem insignificant in our eyes. This is how it works between people, anyway. What is an insignificant issue for us can mean the world to someone else.


So that a deep bond can develop between you and your cat and, despite your best intentions, you don’t wade into his very sensitive soul, pay close attention to the following things!

1. You push him aside, push him away

They are one of the most curious creatures we have ever met. They are like children who constantly ask: “why?” in that certain period of time. You can sometimes feel that your pet is constantly in the way, you can’t take a step in the apartment without tripping over it, and it literally pokes its nose into everything.

In this case, you may instinctively make a repulsive, pushing movement, but please, don’t do it! It’s not a great feeling to experience something like this when he just wants to be a part of everything and anything you do. Instead, try to divert his attention with a snack or a game. If that doesn’t work either, try to appreciate that your pet values you and the time spent with you more than anything else.

2. Ignoring the routine

Cats are creature of habits. This gives them peace of mind and security. Constant changes can cause them stress, which will result in long-term health problems. You know, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Respect your pet by letting him eat at the same time, make time for him every day in the form of play and cuddling, do not miss the regular routine medical examinations. When bathingclaw trimming and fur care are done always at the same time the cat know what to expect.

3. You do not keep the place where he eats and where he goes to the toilet clean

A clean litter is half the health of a kitty. Just imagine that you don’t flush the toilet at home, only on Saturdays, because that’s when you have time. Well, cats whose litter trays are not cleaned every day feel the same way. This issue is not negotiable, you have to shovel the waste out of the litter box every day. If you have the time and energy, you can do it several times a day, but 1 is a must! You can read more about how you can clean the litter tray easily and efficiently here.

The water and food bowls should also be washed every day, but maybe even better if you wash them after every meal. It can help if there are 2 sets of it, so you can exchange them. Wouldn’t you like the food as well if you had to eat it from a dirty plate covered in leftover food?

Drinking is not a self evident thing in the world of cats anyway. If the water in front of them is not fresh and cold  they gonna drink even less. You can read about why it is so-so important here. 

4. You shout at him

These sound-sensitive predators easily interpret the information carried by human tones. Raised, tense voices terrify them. If you want him to feel safe, never yell at him!

We don’t even need to mention that it is strictly forbidden to throw something to them, kick, hit or step on them! If such feelings are caused by an innocent animal, it is better to ask a professional for help.

5. You ignore his pain

He has been nervously scratching his ears for days, meowing bitterly much more than usual, hopelessly gnawing and licking a wound on his paw, and you look away. It’s a fact that cats mask their pain with excellent sensitivity, but if visiting the litter box is painful due to kidney disease, so he prefers not to drink, or if he doesn’t even touch his food because one of his teeth is inflamed, it will show.

These tiny animals have a huge pain threshold, but we can’t afford to look away when it looks like there’s a problem. Veterinary treatments are not cheap, but without them, the situation will only get worse, whatever is causing the symptoms.

6. You tease him

Just as you didn’t think it was funny when your classmates walked between the benches and put their feet in front of you or deliberately threw a ball in your face during a game because they thought it was funny, neither does the cat enjoy being teased.

Pulling his tail, sprinkling him with water, blowing him in the face, waking him up just so he doesn’t sleep anymore, ruffling his fur, picking him up even though he doesn’t like it is not fun. All you can do is make him shy or aggressive.

7. You are not providing enough stimulation

Many people decide to keep cats because they are said to require less care than dogs. This is only partly true. Most of them really don’t need daily walks and training, but if you neglect them, they will become just as frustrated and unhappy as any dog. Spend quality time together every day: combing, playing, stroking, and for some, a walk on a leash is also possible.

If you leave the house, it might be a good idea to turn on some classical music, to make the windowsill open and comfortable, from where they can see the street or the yard, or you can even get a pet camera, through which you can sometimes talk to him or send him snacks.

abused cat care cat love cat owner consistency cat owner couple cat routine clean home conscious host Game good host litter tray loving owner man does not like cats man loves cat mental stimulation shouting cat sick cat tease the cat what the cat likes

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