
The first exhibition that can also be visited by cats has opened

Király Barbara

2024. August 3 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

At the Shanghai Museum, cats can see for themselves whether humanity loves them today as much as in ancient Egypt.


On July 18, 2024, the Shanghai Museum opened the first exhibition that cats can visit. Felines and their owners can explore the exhibit on ancient Egypt, featuring 780 artifacts, 95% of which have never been seen in Asia.

The museum believes the exhibition will be exciting for cats too

The cat-friendly exhibition is unique in several ways

As reported by Index, many of the artifacts come from Bubastis, an archaeological site in Saqqara, Egypt, dedicated to the cat goddess Bastet. Chu Xiaopo, the museum curator, mentioned that in ancient Egypt, Bastet was considered a symbol of protection and spirituality. The goal is to connect the ancient Egyptian culture with the Chinese love for cats across time and space.

Statue of the goddess Bastet
Bastet is one of the goddesses of ancient Egyptian religion. Her cult center was Per-Bastet, known as Bubastis in Greek. Initially depicted as a lioness, she was later represented as a cat, and by the Middle Kingdom, she was portrayed mainly as a domestic cat. Worshiped as a protective deity of the sun god Ra and the pharaoh, her name means devourer, originally used in the form of Bast. Women desiring children often wore amulets depicting Bastet with as many kittens as the number of children they wished for.

Organizers have considered every detail

The exhibition will be open for a year, with cat owners able to bring their pets on 10 different occasions. Up to 200 cats can join visitors at a time. The museum is prepared with veterinary care, an on-site medical car, and various comfort items like cat carriers and pet strollers.

They emphasized that the entire museum will be disinfected after the cats’ visits. Ensuring safety for all visitors to the world’s first museum exhibition open to cats.

Speaking of museums and cats: did you know that one of the world’s most prestigious museums, the Hermitage, is guarded by 50 cats?
Egypt museum cats

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