
Shocking video shows how dangerous ribbons can be for cats

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. October 21 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It was just luck that the owner noticed what the cat was doing in time. A ribbon can easily become a life-threatening toy for your pet.


As you can see in the video below, the owner discovers the end of a ribbon hanging out of the cat’s mouth just in the nick of time. It’s painful to watch how much of the ribbon the cat swallowed. And even worse to think about how much trouble it could have caused. Besides choking, an intestinal blockage can also be fatal, especially if the cause of the symptoms is not discovered in time.

A ribbon is not a proper cat toy

After seeing this, there’s no need to explain why you should never leave ribbons, shoelaces, or any string-like objects near your pet. When a cat starts playing with these, their movement can awaken the hunting instinct in them. Sometimes the prey ends up in their stomach, causing the mentioned issues.

Moving things awaken the hunting instinct in cats

Not only ribbons can cause harm

Similar dangers are posed by hair ties, various rubber or silicone toys meant for children (such as snakes, lizards, or spiders), balloons, and there have even been cases where veterinarians had to remove a sewing needle lodged in a cat’s palate. It’s likely that the thread triggered the animal’s prey drive.

We should also mention plastic bags, which cats love to crawl into. If they get too tangled up, it can lead to suffocation.

Choose only safe toys for your pet

For playtime, always choose toys specifically designed for cats, which are safe for them. Items that seem exciting but are risky should be put away from their environment. You shouldn’t draw their attention to them either. For example, don’t drag a shoelace in front of their nose, because in a careless moment, what you saw in the video could happen.

If you notice loss of appetite, lethargy, reduced activity, or if your pet is having difficulty or infrequent bowel movements, consider the possibility that they may have swallowed something.

Game hunting instinct video

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