
How to play with your cat to really enjoy it

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. June 15 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

It's not enough to get the plush mouse and stick toy, it's important to know how you use them.


It’s probably nothing new to say that your sweet, purring kitty is a predator despite all its charm. It depends on your personality and breed, how strong your instincts are, but they definitely work. Among the behaviors coded in its genes are digging it poop (or leaving it exposed to indicate its presence and dominance), masking its pain to the extreme, but also its passion for hunting. And here we come to the topic of our article; we will tell you how to play with your cat.

Devon rexes in action

It is also essential for couch potatoes

The game is closely related to the hunting instinct. Even the indoor cat fires up at the sight of potential prey. It could be a sparrow chirping on the bush in front of the window, but it could also be a fly that wandered into the apartment. But a stick toy with feather or a small mouse swinging at the end of the wand also activates the predator in your pet. Even the most comfortable, couch potatoes need this kind of stimulus. In fact, this is the only way they can live out their felineness in the apartment.

And if you want the game to be a real experience for your pet, then play it in such a way as to impersonate a prey. In other words, use the toys to imitate the fleeing-hiding prey. Hide behind the couch, stick out the feather stick, or pull the string mouse in front of the cat’s nose and tease him.

The prey has no chance

On the one hand, this way you also mentally exercise the cat. And on the other hand, it is also recommended to play with the cat for at least half an hour a day. This prevents obesity. As you know, being overweight not only makes the animal lazy, but also te base ground for many health problems. Such as heart disease or cancerous lesions. To name just two from a long list.

Daily play is also important for weight maintenance

Cat and mouse game

Just like in nature with flesh-and-blood prey, the cat will enjoy playing with artificial prey as well. But it doesn’t do it out of cruelty or sadism! The cat is an opportunistic hunter, so it seizes every opportunity, not only when it is hungry. In such cases, it is common that the caught mouse, small bird or plush figure lands on your doorstep, in your bed as a gift.

Game hunting instinct indoor cat instincts mental health Prey

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