
Video Shows the Consequences of Having an Overweight Cat

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. July 18 - Photo: Getty Images Hungary

Many pet owners think it's not a problem if their pet becomes overweight; in fact, some even find overweight pets to be particularly cute. However, these animals are neither happy nor healthy.


If you are a regular reader, you’ve likely come across our articles emphasizing the importance of proper cat nutrition. We’ve written about how crucial it is to feed a kitty correctly, as it affects their entire life. And we’ve highlighted too that improper nutrition can be a significant factor behind many feline skin problems. Obesity poses serious health risks for your pet, just as it does for humans. In addition to issues like diabetes and various joint problems, overweight cats may also struggle with grooming. As shown in the video below, if a cat is overweight, they can no longer groom themselves properly. This sight might seem cute at first, but in reality, it is not at all.

Primal Instincts Can Be Affected If The Cat Is Overweight

Grooming is an extremely important aspect of a cat’s life. They do it not only to stay clean but also for social and emotional reasons. As kittens, one of the first activities they learn from their mother is grooming, through which she also expresses her love. For adult cats, grooming each other helps strengthen emotional bonds. Since positive experiences and emotions are associated with grooming, cats use it as a stress reliever.

obesity overweight video

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