
These Cats Seem to Have Been Brought to Earth by Aliens (video)

Hangai Lilla

2024. May 23 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

For those not familiar with the world of cats, it might be easy to believe that the creatures in the video aren't from Earth at all. Let us reveal who they are.


The original goal when creating the Oriental cat was to expand the gene pool of the Siamese breed in Great Britain. Almost all breeding programs were destroyed during World War II. The Siamese was crossed with Russian Blues, British Shorthairs, Abyssinians, and domestic cats, resulting in a breed recognized in over 300 color variations. It is immediately identifiable by its large, widely set ears. This feature, combined with its slender, tapering body, gives the breed an extraterrestrial appearance.

The beautiful kittens:

And a gorgeous adult:

Despite their enchanting appearance, it is the Oriental’s personality that truly captivates. They are extremely attached to their owner, following them like a shadow and thus struggling with solitude. This intelligent and vocal creature is curious about everything and wants to know everything. Energetic and agile, it is a joy to watch them gracefully, passionately playing, jumping, or climbing. Loyal and full of love, they are recommended only for owners who can spend a lot of time with their pet.

cute video oriental cat video

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