
The Pallas’s cat is one of the most expressive of wild cats: in the cold, it stomps on its tail to warm its paws

Hangai Lilla

2023. November 4 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Manul cats, also known as Pallas's cats, became Internet stars a few years ago; and not by accident. In addition to their cuddly faces and thick fur-covered potato bodies, they have a number of interesting features.


Here is why the manul cat is so interesting!

1. They are not the Persian’s ancestor

The German naturalist Peter Pallas originally named these fluffy cats Felis manul in 1776; the word manul has Mongolian roots. Its current Latin name is Otocolobus manul. The word otocolobus comes from the Greek language and roughly translates to “ugly ear”, which we take as a personal insult.

When Peter Pallas first described the cat, he wrongly suggested that it was an ancestor of the domestic Persian breed due to its long coat, stocky build and flat face.

2. They are actually the size of a house cat

Their appearance is really deceiving. They look stocky and heavy due to their long and multi-layered fur, but they are about the size of an average house cat; their weight is around 4.5-5 kg.

They live in Central Asia, from Western Iran to Western China. Within this range, they prefer rocky steppes and flat areas covered with grass. In this climate, the winters are really harsh and cruel, so they benefit greatly from their elegant and thick coat.

It is characteristic of them that they rest their paws on their thick, stuffed tail, so that it does not come into contact with the frozen, cold ground. Is it possible not to love them?

3. They have the thickest and longest fur of all felines

Their fur is almost twice as long on their belly and tail as it is on their back or sides. This special distribution helps keep them warm while hunting in the snow and on frozen ground. As the seasons change, so does the length and thickness of their fur; in fact, even its color!

In winter, their fur is grayer and more uniform in color, while in summer they are decorated with more stripes, as well as shades of ocher. The black rings on their tails will be more dominant, the black spots on their foreheads, and the dark stripes around their eyes that run along their faces. The bold, silvery appearance of their fur is not a sign of aging, the tip of the covering hairs shines in a fashionable white color.

4. They have unusual pupils

Unlike other felines, their pupils are round, like those of humans. This makes their look really special, with an inexplicable mystery.

5. They are lonely

Of course, not in the strict sense of the word. Territorial animals, both males and females can mark a distance of about 1-2 km around them with their scent. They rest in caves, crevices and burrows made by other animals during the daylight hours, then emerge towards dusk to fill their bellies.

6. Their mating period is extremely short

The estrus period (fertile stage) in females lasts only 26-42 hours, which is significantly shorter than in most felines. Mating takes place in February and March, and kittens are born in April and May. The litter has an average of 2-6 kittens. At the age of 4 months, the little ones go hunt with their mother, and at the age of 6 months they reach their full size. They become sexually mature around the age of 10-11 months.

7. They attack from ambush

Their prey consists of small rodents, birds and insects, in short vegetation and rocky terrain. They often use the entrance to their own den as cover. Running is not their strong point, as their compact body structure greatly hinders them if they are running away from something, that is why they prefer to hide.

8. They can imitate the voice of a puppy

Their sound collection is extremely interesting and complex. They also make excited yelps and growls that sound a lot like a puppy; but they can also purr. However, these are just a few of the many; you can find a lot of videos on YouTube where you can study these special cats. We guarantee you won’t be bored! Their repertoire of facial expressions is at least as exciting as their voices.

felines felines Life manul pallas's cat Pushtan cat wild cat wildcat

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