
10 Long-Lived Cat Breeds – Their Lifespan Depends Partly on You

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. October 15 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The following 10 long-lived cat breeds can bring joy for up to two decades. We’ll also discuss what you, as a pet owner, can do to ensure your cat’s health.


It’s important to note upfront that a cat’s lifespan depends on many factors, and breed is just one of them. Other factors include living conditions, medical care, diet, and fulfilling other needs like exercise and mental well-being. However, based on breed standards, there are several long-lived cat breeds that tend to outlive the average feline lifespan of 13-17 years. Let’s see which ones!

Siamese cat

1.) Siamese

Siamese cats are known for their long lifespan, typically living 15-20 years. These elegant, graceful cats are very extroverted and crave both the company and attention of their owners. They love to play, enjoy learning tricks, and are very vocal, often engaging in “conversations” with their owners.

The Siamese is a playful, open-minded breed

2.) Burmese cat

Similar to Siamese cats, Burmese cats are talkative and energetic. Their average lifespan is slightly shorter, between 10-17 years. Owners should prepare for lots of playtime and shared activities.


3.) Balinese cat

Balinese cats can live 18-22 years on average. Like other active and affectionate breeds, they are very vocal and don’t handle being ignored well. If neglected, they may develop destructive behaviors. However, the breed is prone to progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), leading to blindness, and liver amyloidosis, with symptoms often appearing before 5-7 years of age.

Balinese cats are generally good with children

4.) Russian Blue cat

Russian Blue cats typically live 15-20 years. Unlike the more active breeds, Russian Blues are calm and reserved. However, they form strong bonds with their owners and can be quite affectionate once they warm up to you.

Russian Blue

5.) Ragdoll

Ragdolls, known for their calm and relaxed nature, have an expected lifespan of 13-18 years. They get along well with children and other pets, but due to their larger size, it’s important to monitor their weight to protect their joints.

Ragdolls are gentle, cuddly cats

6.) American Shorthair cat

American Shorthairs can live 15-20 years. One of the breed’s most famous representatives was George W. Bush’s cat, India, who lived for 18 years. Like other cats on this list, they are generally calm.

Everyone knows the American shorthair from the commercials

7.) Savannah

A hybrid breed born from crossing servals with domestic cats, Savannah cats live 12-20 years. They are an exotic breed, and keeping them as pets is strictly regulated in some countries.


8.) Bombay

Known as the “miniature panther,” the Bombay cat typically lives 9-15 years. They are unique in that everything about them, from their fur to their whiskers and paw pads, is jet black, complemented by bright golden eyes.

The Bombay is completely black

9.) Turkish angora cat

Turkish Angoras can live 15-20 years. They are curious but not restless, and are known to be excellent hunters.

Turkish angora

10.) Lykoi

Lykoi, also known as the “werewolf cat,” typically live 12-15 years. They are playful and even enjoy playing fetch, so you’ll never be bored with one around.

The Lykoi is a distinctive-looking breed

Many factors influence how long a cat will live

To add more nuance, let’s look beyond breed standards. A recent study paints a less optimistic picture of the average lifespan of certain breeds. A survey conducted in the United Kingdom examined 12 cat breeds. The study used data from 7,936 confirmed feline deaths from clinics participating in the VetCompass program in 2019. The results showed that the longest-living breeds were the Birman and the Burmes, both with an average lifespan of 14.4 years.

The lifespan data presented in the chart is much shorter than the decades promised by breed standards. Why is that? One reason could be that the standards are based on the most optimal cases. However, as we mentioned earlier, real-life data is heavily influenced by living conditions, the owner’s care, healthcare, and any illnesses that may arise. The study also emphasizes that improper weight management plays a significant role in determining lifespan. Additionally, the expected lifespan of the female cats in the study was 1.33 years longer than that of the males. Unlike dogs, however, a cat’s body size does not correlate with its lifespan.

Proper nutrition is essential

As a pet owner, what you can influence is the care and living conditions of your pet

Firstly, it is crucial to take your cat for an annual veterinary check-up, and once they are over seven years old, you should have the visits every six months as they age. In the case of any problem, abnormality, or symptoms of concern, consult your vet without delay. This includes behavioral changes, as these are often linked to underlying health issues.

Feeding your cat according to their age, health condition, and activity level is of utmost importance, as is keeping them physically and mentally fit. You can achieve this with cat trees, toys, teaching them tricks, and engaging in other activities together. If your cat is overweight, consult an expert on how to optimize their weight.

Dental care for cats is just as important as it is for dogs and humans. Improper oral hygiene can have a number of serious health consequences. These can shorten the life of the animal. Here is how you can make brushing your cat’s teeth part of your daily routine.

age American Shorthair Balinese bombay brushing your teeth Burmese cat dental care lifetime lykoi overweight Persian cat ragdoll Russian blue cat savannah Siamese sphynx szfinx Turkish angora cat

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