
These 5 cat breeds are the proof that there is such a thing as a dog-cat friendship

Pócsik Judit

2023. July 2 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A macskák allergiája a kutya szőrében, nyálában és vizeletében található fehérjékre adott abnormális immunválasz

Most people think of the words irreconcilable opposites and eternal enemies when the two species are mentioned together. According to them, there can be no peaceful coexistence between a dog and a cat!


This is also a misconception, or rather a partial misconception. It is not true that those who love cats as much as dogs cannot safely keep a cat next to their most loyal four-legged companion. Dog-cat friendship does exist, you just have to choose from the following dog-friendly cat breeds. The rest is a matter of love, patience, attention and education. These five kitties will love not only the owner, but also the dog!

1. Birman

This breed loves to play and run and even play fetch. Its essence is movement, an ideal companion for a cat-friendly dog. But in their it is also important to connect socialization and with games and walks. The Birman is a dominant breed of cat, but this does not manifest itself in aggressive behavior. No clawing, biting, slapping or wild meowing. Rather, with quiet calmness, it signals to its surroundings if “enough is enough”. Balanced, friendly, kind breed. Its entire being exudes friendliness and calmness, which is good for both the dog and the owner.

2. British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a slightly reserved and very independent. It needs company and quality time with its owner and its fellow canine companion. The British Shorthair is a full-hearted cat, only its affection is greater than its love.

Like the Birman, it doesn’t respond rudely to the dog’s possible scolding, but retreats and waits for its four-legged companion to calm down. With its cool, elegantly English demeanor, it reassures even the most unruly puppy.

3. Norwegian Forest cat

This large and strong cat looks similar to the Maine Coon. Its robust appearance hides a butter-hearted, but by no means cowardl kitty; it is a gentle and loving breed of cat with a very strong caring instinct. It does not seek to be the center of attention, but it gets along great with all members of the family, both four-legged and two-legged. It may take time to warm to the dog, but when it does, they become inseparable friends.

4. Abyssinian

The most defining feature of the Abyssinian is its constant curiosity, which is why it is very interested and friendly with everyone: the dog is no exception. Like the Japanese Bobtail, it is not the cuddly type, but that doesn’t mean it is not affectionate. It loves its owner and his four-legged companions too. Due to its curious and active nature, it really likes to be “outside the house”. It also likes to explore the outside world, even with the dog, during a nice long walk.

5. Japanese Bobtail

This breed of cat became famous not only because of its open nature and human- and animal-friendly temperament, but also because it likes to show and make it known that it is the master or the lady of the house. This breed is an intelligent, kind, loving, active cat, but it also immediately lets the dog know who is the boss here!

Life is easy with the Japanese Bobtail: it can be really adaptable, it tolerates all changes well, from moving to the arrival of a new family member. This breed is not the typical cuddly cat, but nevertheless likes to spend as much time as possible near its owner.

abyssinian birman British Shorthair cat and dog cat breeds dog dog cat friendship dog-friendly cats japanese bobtail Life Norwegian Forest Cat

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