
This is the type of people cats are most attracted to

Kövess Péter

2024. May 1 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

A happy face of a cat in the hands of a good man

A cat's affection is not always directed towards its owner. It often seeks the company of other people for good reason, according to research.


Cats have their own way of doing things, which includes who they allow close to them and who they allow to pet them. As it turns out, it’s no coincidence that the cat’s fascination is often with people who are neither owners nor animal lovers.

The cat’s affection works in a specific way towards humans

This is why a cat’s affection can be directed at others

A study published in the Nature journal in 2022 found that cats prefer to get close to people who don’t touch them. This may be because owners tend to cross a line, as opposed to those with little or no cat experience.

The authors of the study came to this conclusion after an experiment involving 119 volunteers with a series of neutered, non-pedigree adult cats. This involved placing the cats in an enclosure where they had all their basic needs – food, water, bedding and shelter.

The human participants were instructed to enter the enclosure, sit on the chair and then make contact with the cat there, but not to pick it up. Meanwhile, the animals had the opportunity to avoid human interaction. Each of these trials lasted 5 minutes, and then everyone repeated the experiment with two more cats.

A lot can depend on where you pet your cat

The results showed that the cats responded best to passive yet sensitive humans who did not over-touch and limited their stroking to the “green zones”, i.e. the base of the ears, the face and the lower part of the body. They tended to avoid the red zones, such as the belly, where most cats do not tolerate touch well, and they also tended to stay away from the yellow zones, the back, sides and legs.

People who behave like this are usually the ones who have less experience with cats.

According to Dr. Marci Koski, a certified cat behaviour and training consultant, this is a logical behaviour, as owners often overdo their approach, which can be too much for cats.

They want you to ignore them

According to the expert, cats can even be upset if someone stares at them too much. It is also the first step in the hunting process, which may indicate that an attack is about to take place. It should also be remembered that people appear larger and therefore more threatening when viewed from the front. That’s why in a room full of new people

cats are often most attracted to the person who pays the least attention to them and who they can go to when they are ready.

Of course, it can be painful for owners to see their cat getting attention from someone who doesn’t necessarily want it. Dr Koski says they may want to show a little restraint and not immediately attack the cat when it enters the room, for example . Restraint usually pays off.

The love of an owner is sometimes too much

Listen to your voice

Most cats do not like loud noises and sounds. The expert therefore always tries to speak softly when visiting clients in their homes. In this case, you can wait for the cat to come to you. “The cat is usually watching. I think it helps when it sees me talking to its owner,” Dr Koski revealed.

The expert also has a trick: he carries a bag with him containing items of interest to the cat, such as a catnip toy. So the animal usually goes up to him to examine him, and after a few minutes he lowers his hand and lets him smell it. From this point on, the way is usually open for caresses.

Do you know how to pet your cat to make it feel good? If not, you can find out from this article.


attraction behaviour cat company owner Petting research

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