
How does a cat feel when they get catnip?

Mádi-Krezinger Cintia

2024. September 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The effect of catnip is obvious, but what exactly happens to a cat when it experiences it? One study has found an interesting correlation.


If have you ever given catnip to your pet, your first thought might have been that they were acting like they were stoned. After all, the effects of catnip are pretty obvious, and let’s face it, most of the time amusing.
The cat may roll around in the plant, may make vocal noises to indicate their enjoyment, may become hyperactive, and get the zoomies. Or they may stiffen up and stare at you.

Of course, cats are not tiny people, so it is wrong to think that they are affected by it as if they were by mind-altering drugs. Well, they do a little – because one study found that catnip works very similarly to human opiates.

How does it work?

The cat’s response is caused by nepetalactone in the cat’s semen, which is transported to the brain through the gland in the animal’s respiratory system and affects the nervous system. Once this interaction occurs, the cat’s body produces endorphins, which are active or passive behaviour, sometimes by a mixture of both.

The reason why the researchers believe that catnip acts as an opiate is that in the study, cats that received naloxone (an artificially produced opiate antidote) did not respond to nepetalactone.

The age and sex of the kitten were also found to influence the response – for example, kittens under 3 months old did not actively respond at all.

Studies have shown that the plant causes hallucinations in humans, but as it is impossible to prove this in cats, it is only speculative that similar things happen in animals.

How long does it take?

Cats feel the effects of catnip within seconds. The duration varies: usually it lasts about 10 minutes, but in rare cases, it can last up to a quarter of an hour. Interestingly, catnip has a so-called refractory period: once the cat has responded to the nepetalactone, they are immune for the next 30-120 minutes.

Can it cause addiction?

Catnip is not addictive. Even if your pet gets it relatively often, there is no need to worry about withdrawal symptoms. It is important to note, however, that over time a slight tolerance may develop in the animal’s system. This may result in a less spectacular reaction or a shorter duration of the effect.

The evolutionary role of catnip

The psychoactive effects of catnip are also thought to have an evolutionary role.

Felines usually hunt their prey in tall grass or dense shrubs where contact with insects is unavoidable.
Mosquitoes, for example, prefer to prey on animals, especially around the ear where there is less hair and the blood vessels are located near the skin surface. Their bites can cause serious problems, from allergic reactions to heartworm disease.

Some researchers believe that cats instinctively use the catnip as a form of insect repellent. Catnip, as well as some other catnip alternatives such as Japanese mini-mint and catnip root, have a significant insect repellent effect.

Leopards, cougars, servals, lynx and other big cats have been observed to rub their faces in catnip, supporting this theory.

In what form can it be given?

Domestic cats are not likely to encounter naturally occurring catnip within the four walls, so it is up to the owners to provide it. There are sprays, dried leaves, cat toys containing dried leaves , or you can buy the whole plant.

Although the concentration of nepetalactone varies for each, there is minimal difference in how much they affect the cat

cat behaviour catnip zoomies

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