
This cat video was sent from space: it’s no joke, and there’s an explanation

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. September 12 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The protagonist is a red cat, and it is of great scientific importance.


Before you think the Aliens are as big cat fans as we are, let’s get this straight: the cat video is indeed from space, but with human intervention.

30 million kilometres

As in The Guardian the 15-second video was sent up by NASA to be precise , and then travelled from a space probe back to Earth, travelling 30 million kilometres. Fantastic, right?!

The red-and-white tomcat in the video is Taters, the cat of a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) staff member, who was chasing a laser dot with great gusto when it was filmed. The aim of the experiment was for space scientists to assess the potential of video sharing.

ginger cat red cat research science video

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