
Did you know? 11 one-sentence cat trivia

Hangai Lilla

2024. July 14 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Even after living together for around 10,000 years, our purring friends still manage to surprise us.


Reading on you will find one-sentence cat curiosities that will enrich your knowledge and you can use to impress anyone you meet.

No wonder they are so upset. They can’t taste the sweet!

11 one-sentence cat trivia

1.) Based on the information currently available, experts believe that cats are the only mammals on Earth that can not taste sweet

2.) Cats also have “whiskers” on the back of their hind legs not just on their faces. Have you observed it on your kitten?

3) Food that is considered undesirable, toxic or spoiled is rejected by cats despite the possibility of starvation.

4) They can even consume seawater to survive, as their kidneys can filter the salt out of the water. If you’re wondering whether we could do it, we’re sad to say that we as humans can’t.

5) Each cat has a unique “vocabulary” developed specifically for the owner. Each kitty will meow, purr and behave a little differently when they want to communicate something to their owner than other cats who want to communicate the same thing to their owners.

6) Hissing is not aggressive, but defensive. The cat wants to tell the animal or person in front of them to leave, so they don’t have to fight. That’s why researchers believe that when it comes to a confrontation between two cats, the more defenceless and vulnerable one will hiss more.

Of course, there are always exceptions

7) For some as yet unclear reason, cats hate the smell of citrus fruits. However, many find it the smell of chlorine particularly attractive. It is thought to have a similar effect to the smell of pheromones.

8) Among mammals, cats have the largest eyes in relation to their head size.

9) An average cat learns in the same style as an average 2-3-year-old child. Be careful how you behave around your pet!

10) Each cat’s nose print is unique, similar to human fingerprints.

11) About 70-80% of cats react to catnip. Male kittens are more sensitive to the plant, while kittens under 3 months of age show no reaction at all.

Click here to read about on of the superpowers of cats.

cat curiosities interesting facts about cats trivia

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