
Are you a real cat person? It says more about your personality than you might think!

Hangai Lilla

2023. November 24 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The kind of pet you prefer says a lot about your personality. According to a survey conducted by the University of Texas, some common statements about various pet lovers may actually be true. Have you ever thought that you are more like your furry friend than you ever imagined?


Do you recognize yourself among the following statements? If so, how many characteristics are true for you as a cat person?


A cat person is more likely to be an introvert; their social battery is recharged when they are alone. In general, it is characteristic of cats that they need much less physical interaction than dogs, and they also like to adjust this in such a way that they can take advantage of the opportunities when they want it. A person who also thinks similarly about its own social life is more attracted to this way of life.


When you do something, you like to do it according to your own ideas. This is true for your work as well as your personal life. You know what they say about doers of great deeds? They always went their own way, never followed other people’s footsteps.


Cats owners are more likely to be calm and less energetic than dog owners. This is understandable, since you can’t expect a dog to be satisfied with lounging on the couch, while most cats probably shudder to the tip of their whiskers at the thought of agility or morning runs. Isn’t it beautiful that there is a sock for every old slipper.


Well, maybe it is a bit hurtful to read this, but we’re not afraid to admit something if it’s true. According to the research, cat people suffer from stress, nervousness, and anxiety 12% more than dog people. If so, there is nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, if you feel you need it, the bravest thing to do is to open up to your loved ones or a professional.

Keeping a cat has many beneficial effects on mental and physical health. If you can, spend more time with your pet, play together, or just listen to its purr. It has miraculous powers.

Open, curious

The daily routine also plays an important role in the daily life of dogs and cats, but according to experience, cats still look at the world around them with more experimental spirit and more curiosity and mischievousness. Do you always look at things with a curious eye and tend to poke your little nose into everything, just like cats? For example, this is what we love most about them, and we do not deny that we recognized ourselves in this as well. Fortunately, in the course of our profession, we take great advantage of the restless nosyness and desire to know.


According to the results of the research, 13% of people with dogs are more pleasant company than people with cats. They are also characterized by the adjective kind, social, reliable and selfless. Well, we resent this! You know what Shrek said; “Ogres are like onions. Ogers have layers. We both have layers.” We feel the same way about cats and ourselves.

We may not seem friendly or nice at first, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t. The introverted personality and the pressure placed on us by larger social gatherings may not bring out the best in us, but beneath this top layer, as in the case of cats, lies a somewhat shy and self-righteous, but caring and kind soul. How do you feel about this?

behaviour cat behaviour cat behaviour cat effect on humans cat feelings cat human relationship host types Life man loves cat personality

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