
5 Cat Food Storage Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make

Király Barbara

2024. September 10 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

For your cat's health, it's important to store their food properly. Here are the 5 most common cat food storage mistakes.


Proper storage of cat food at home is crucial for maintaining its freshness and nutritional value. However, many people are unaware of the 5 most serious cat food storage mistakes.

Proper storage of cat food is crucial for maintaining its freshness and nutritional value

1.) Throwing Away the Original Cat Food Packaging

The cat food packaging is designed to store the food properly. Besides good storage, the bag is useful for keeping track of the food’s expiration date.

2.) Not Storing It Airtight

Closing the cat food bag after each feeding helps prevent contact with air or moisture, both of which accelerate the breakdown of the food and increase the risk of bacterial contamination, such as salmonella.

Leaving cat food in a sunlit place is a basic storage mistake

3.) Storing Cat Food in Sunlight

Just like exposure to air, cat food should also be protected from sunlight. It’s not the light that causes problems, but the increase in temperature due to the sun’s rays, which can also promote bacterial growth. Try to store your supplies in a place protected from sunlight.

4.) Ignoring the Expiration Date

After the expiration date indicated on the packaging, cat food is no longer safe for animals to eat. Generally, cat food has a long shelf life, but it’s worth checking if the package contents will be used up before the indicated date. That’s why it’s important to keep the original packaging, so you won’t forget when your pet can safely consume the food, even if you stock up in large quantities.

5.) Mixing Old and New Food

Even if you think a little bit of old food won’t hurt, you’re mistaken. Just a few pieces could contaminate your cat, causing serious health problems. If the previous food has expired, throw it away. Even if some is left and still good, do not mix it with new food, as you won’t be able to keep track of which is new and which is old.

Overall, the best thing you can do is to store the food in its original packaging and keep it in a suitable place, thus avoiding any of the 5 cat food storage mistakes.

cat food cat food storage good quality cat food

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