
Cats have feelings too: how to apologise to your pet if you’ve hurt them

Hangai Lilla

2024. November 17 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

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The question often arises as to how much our pets benefit from being humanised, or even where the line is drawn between treating an animal with decency and love and humanising it. So we can legitimately ask the question: by apologising to my cat, am I humanising them?


We think there’s nothing wrong with treating your pet as a member of the family. For us, this means supporting them physically and mentally, being there for them through the hard times, providing them with the right medical care and making sure their feelings are not hurt. And in this case, it is natural to apologise to the animal when we have made a mistake, as a sign of our respect and care. We will explore wether apologising to a cat is effective.

If you want to develop a deep relationship with your pet, give them space!

These could be signs that your cat is upset

As owners, it’s normal to sometimes do things that our pets resent. You accidentally stepped on their tail, you took them for a routine medical check-up, you’ve had to change their schedule because of your new job, or maybe they are overweight and you’ve had to cut down on the amount of their food? Even more embarrassing things can happen despite our best will and efforts.

As an owner, you know your pet and you’re sure to know the signs that indicate when they are resentful about something. Without being exhaustive, the following signs may indicate it:

  • grumble,
  • hissing,
  • ignores you,
  • hiding from you.

The easiest way to apologise to your cat

If you try to identify the cause of the upset, you will probably find it easier to empathise with the situation. Cats are sensitive creatures who are very attached to their owners. It’s important to show them that they are safe with us and can trust us, because we always have their best interests at heart.

Next, you can try to improve or change the thing that is bothering them. For example, if they get anxious about doctor’s visits, you may want to turn these experiences into positive and calming ones. We are thinking here pheromone spray or vaporizer, treats, or even natural sedatives. If your pet suddenly becomes stressed about something, try to give them space and reassurance. Let them retreat, let them calm themselves. For most cats, this is quite enough; when they have spent enough time in that safe place, they will see the world in a whole new light. If it’s been a few hours and your pet hasn’t come out, you can call them by name in a nice, calm voice or sit close and talk to them for a while. Don’t try to pet them, catch them, take them away from where they are. Just talk to them and wait for them to come to you. If that doesn’t happen, leave them alone again.

If your cat has been hiding for more than a day, see your vet – there’s probably a bigger problem!

Let them decide the length and form of the interactions.

Unlock the secret

Study proves that cats and people can develop a deep bond when the cat can control the circumstances. Yes, that means exactly that your pet will be happy if they can dictate when they want to be with you or when they want to be petted. If you pay attention to their body language and behaviour, you will see their needs and wants. If your pet rubs against you, purr or simply seeks your companionship, then all is probably well.

angry apology calming the cat is angry with the owner stressed cat

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