
Mineral water versus cat: this is what happened to the curious kitty (video)

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. August 8 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Our pets sometimes crave food or drink that isn't meant for them. The following footage captures such a moment and the funny reaction of the cat, recorded by its owner.


Before continuing, it’s important to emphasize that while the attached video is indeed amusing, responsible pet ownership requires ensuring your pet’s safety. This includes being informed about what they can eat or drink and what is off-limits, and storing food accordingly. Although our pets are very smart, it’s a misconception that they always instinctively know what’s good for them. Therefore, it’s up to you to ensure that your cat doesn’t consume anything dangerous. In this case, carbonated mineral water caused an unpleasant surprise for the cat. Below, we explain why this is problematic.

Mineral water is not suitable for your cat

Not all types of water are suitable for pets. Plain or purified tap water (filtered through a home water purifier, pitcher, or other filter) is the best choice. It should always be fresh and plentiful. Stagnant water can quickly harbor various parasites, which can enter the drinking bowl from the cat’s fur. Hot weather accelerates this process, so during summer, change the cat’s water multiple times a day.

Most cats prefer drinking from running water

Drinking fountains designed for cats are very useful since they are naturally attracted to flowing water, which is cleaner in nature than stagnant water in lakes or puddles.

Mineral water can be an option for cats only occasionally, and even then, only non-carbonated mineral water with low mineral content, often labeled as baby water. The varying mineral content in mineral waters can be harmful to animals’ health. Carbonated mineral water is particularly unpleasant for cats (as seen in the video) and the bubbles are not good for their digestion. There are also specially formulated mineral waters for cats available.

Bubbling fountains attract the animal’s interest

The problem with distilled water is its excessive purity: since it is stripped of all minerals during the process, prolonged consumption can disrupt the body’s electrolyte balance, leading to water intoxication. Additionally, it affects the permeability of cells. Distilled water passes through cell walls more easily, potentially causing edema. Occasionally, it may not cause harm, so if there’s no other option, it’s better than nothing, but regular consumption is forbidden!

cat video drinking video

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