
A Rogue Thief on Video: It’s Amazing How This Cat Steals Food

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. October 10 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Cats can be incredibly crafty when they want to get something—especially if it's food! The following video shows a true professional in action.


From personal experience, I can say there’s no bigger rascal than a cat when it comes to thievery. Our ever-hungry furry friend silently tears open a bag of dry food in an instant with its sharp claws, or makes the whipped cream from a cake, a chicken thigh heading toward our mouth, or even the bread on our plate disappear in the blink of an eye—if we let it! The examples listed are very real, but as a responsible pet owner, you should know that none of these are suitable for cats. Chicken is too spicy, bred is made of grains and adult cats can’t tolerate the lactose found in dairy products. That’s why it’s important to be cautious about what food your cat steals.

Nothing is safe from a cat

In the following video, the owner managed to capture the perfect heist. Their cat hid behind a laptop, waiting for the right moment to stretch out its skilled paw and snatch the tempting chicken bits.

Cats Can’t Eat Just Any Food

Luckily, in this case, it was meat, so it probably didn’t harm the freeloading cat. But let my personal examples serve as a warning: nothing should be left unattended near a cat. They can be incredibly gluttonous, though there are exceptions. By indiscriminately stealing from the table, they could even make themselves sick.

It’s not uncommon for cats to eat food off your plate

And while cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they can meet all their nutritional needs exclusively from animal-based food, don’t think for a second that they won’t be tempted by a bit of pastry, or even jam-covered bread… Yes, unfortunately, these are also personal experiences. Our cat Vilmos falls into the “extremely gluttonous” category, so we can never fully trust him for even a minute.

feeding the cat video

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