
A daily routine is also essential for cats: that is why predictability is important to them

Ferenczi Deborah

2023. January 31 - Source: Photos by Getty Images Hungary

Young woman with cat staring through the window

Most owners probably don't realize how important regular routine and predictability are for cats. Basically, being able to predict what will happen in a day is the perfect antidote to suffering from separation anxiety or even depression, because one of the main reasons for this is if the animal is stressed by the fact that its life is not predictable.


It is extremely important for cats to have a predictable schedule and not have unpredictable things happen to them. Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would look like for your kitty? Below we have put together an ideal agenda for your pet!

Why is it important for animals to have a daily routine?

It is worth understanding that the establishment of a routine is particularly important because predictability is clearly the cornerstone of trust for animals. This is so true that the attachment can be deepened if your cat trusts you, as you will be completely predictable. He knows exactly that you like to follow a routine, so he feels that he has a place in the family and that he is cared for. By being able to predict what will happen during the day, for example, when it will get its life or when its owner will come home, it all helps the animal to develop a relationship of complete trust with its owner.

What would a perfect daily routine for a cat look like?

In order for you to understand why it is important for him that his day is as predictable as possible, we have provided a sample agenda, with the help of which you can easily put together a super routine.

Between 7-8am

When they wake up, feed your cat. In such cases, it may be worth ventilating and letting the sun’s rays into the apartment, so that the cat will be exposed to stimuli and noises from the outside world, which will stimulate its brain and help it start the day. In such cases, always give him fresh water and change his bowl and the litter box as well.

8-17 hours

At this time, most farmers go to work and get home around 5-6. Don’t worry, your kitty is perfectly fine on her own, as she probably just naps all day.

17- 20 hours

In the meantime, it is essential to take care of your kitten again. So it might be worth lining up for the game and some quality time. In such cases, you must make sure that you tire your cat both mentally and physically, as this is extremely important for him. In addition, he should be given a nutritious dinner and fresh water at this time. Replace the litter box again, because cats like their litter box to be clean.

20-23 hours

Next comes the quiet rest, when you tune in to sleep. During this period, it is worth examining the cat carefully to see if there are any changes in it, and at this time arrange grooming, combing and brushing. After that, you can snuggle up and watch a series or movie together, and you can slowly drift off to sleep.

agenda cat eating cat love cat routine daily routine the cat is sleeping

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