
Chausie Cat Breed: The Egyptian Hybrid That Has Been Present for Centuries

Hangai Lilla

2024. August 28 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The name "Chausie" comes from the Latin name for the jungle cat, Felis chaus. This large-sized cat is a hybrid, resulting from the crossing of the aforementioned wild cat and domestic cats. Out of the three major cat registry organizations, only TICA officially recognized the breed in 1995.


Although it boasts many characteristics inherited from its wild ancestor, the Chausie is known for forming deep, affectionate bonds with its family. It is an elegant acrobat with an exotic appearance and soul.

The Chausie is a very large cat breed, up to 11 kg

History of the Cahusie

Jungle cats, these small wild cats, were domesticated by ancient Egyptians due to their easy-going nature and excellent hunting skills. Numerous mummified jungle cats have been found in Egyptian tombs, indicating that the breed was highly valued. Some believe that the statues of the goddess Bastet were modeled after the jungle cat. Indeed, the similarities are striking, with the long, slender body, sleek appearance, and large ears.

Over time, jungle cats occasionally mated with domestic cats. There are numerous reports of hybrid individuals dating back centuries, from North America to Southeast Asia. The first recorded crossbreeding between a jungle cat and a domestic cat occurred in 1990. After several breeders began collaborating on controlled breeding, the Chausie received registration status with TICA in 1995 and has been recognized as a championship breed since 2013.

Jungle cat

Breed standard of the Chausie

The Chausie is a long-legged, tall, statuesque cat seemingly designed for running and jumping. It presents an extremely graceful and balanced appearance, but the ancient wildness from its jungle cat heritage is still evident. The breed’s deep chest allows for greater agility; as with dogs, this feature provides increased lung capacity, enabling endless energy for play and movement.

The Chausie has large, erect, preferably tufted ears. Its long, sloping forehead and slightly shortened tail also harken back to its wild ancestor. The eyes have an intriguing shape; the upper line is flat, and the lower part is rounded. Preferred eye colors are gold and light yellow, though hazel and light green are also accepted. The coat is dense, with a thick undercoat and stronger guard hairs. Coat colors include brown agouti with tabby markings on the tips (Brown Ticked Tabby), black, and light agouti with tabby markings on the tips (Black Grizzled Ticked Tabby), or black.

The character of the Chausie

The Chausie is an extremely athletic and active breed, almost constantly in motion. To illustrate the extent of this, on a scale of 1 to 10, its need for movement ranks at 11. However, this does not prevent it from forming deep bonds with its family. Despite its wild ancestor, the Chausie is incredibly gentle and affectionate, loving to play and spend time with its owner. Due to its social nature, the Chausie enjoys fetching and often willingly walks on a leash. Its playful behavior often continues into adulthood, ensuring that boredom is a feeling you can forget with this cat around. Due to its exceptional intelligence, it requires mental stimulation and frequent interaction with its loved ones.

The ideal environment for the Chausie

The Chausie is best suited for someone ready to invest a lot of time and energy into their feline companion. As previously mentioned, this breed thrives and truly blossoms when it is an integral part of its owner’s daily life; thus, being left alone for extended periods is not well tolerated. It’s also advisable to modify the home environment to provide ample space for climbing and jumping. Due to its high energy levels and significant attention needs, it may not be the best choice for households with small children.

Caring for the Chausie

However, caring for the Chausie does not require much effort. It’s sufficient to brush it weekly, and only bathe it when truly necessary.

As with any cat, the Chausie’s eyes, ears, and teeth should be regularly cleaned, with daily or every-other-day teeth brushing recommended as a routine. Always feed your pet the highest quality, highest protein food your budget allows, appropriate for its condition and age. Additionally, ensure that fresh water is always available and clean the litter box daily.

Common health problems of the Chausie

The Chausie has a life expectancy of 12-18 years and is generally considered a healthy breed. However, regular parasite prevention, deworming, vaccinations, microchipping, and annual vet check-ups (biannual after the age of 7) should not be neglected in its care.

chausie hybrid cat breeds

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