
Australian Mist Cat Breed: The Cat that Barely Sheds

Hangai Lilla

2024. September 18 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

The Australian Mist is known for being incredibly friendly, social, and open, making friends and fans wherever it goes around the world.


This lovely cat, available in a range of stunning colors, is happiest when surrounded by loved ones and able to observe everything happening in a busy, exciting household. A key feature of the Australian Mist is its moderately active, playful, and curious nature, though its temperament is marked by a calmness reminiscent of Buddha.

History of the Australian Mist

The breed’s history is short and straightforward, just like the cats themselves. It was developed by Truda Straede in Australia in 1976. The breed was created by crossing Burmese, Abyssinian, and various short-haired domestic cats with the goal of creating a spotted cat. In 1998, the name was changed from “Spotted Mist” to “Australian Mist,” as marbled cats were also accepted as part of the breed. It remains the only cat breed originating from Australia. The TICA (The International Cat Association) officially recognized the breed in 2014.

Breed standard of the Australian Mist

The Australian Mist has a diverse genetic background, composed of 50% European-style Burmese, 25% Abyssinian, and 25% domestic tabby. (Further crossbreeding with the original breeds is no longer recommended.) The breed is known for its elegant, balanced appearance, with finely contoured body parts and no extremes in any characteristic. Both males and females have beautifully shaped facial features, giving them an open and generous expression. The coat is short, glossy, and lacks an undercoat, always appearing in rich, warm tones. It comes in shades like chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, and fawn. The coat reaches its full glory around the age of 2. The pattern (spotted or marbled) should remain visible even in lighter-colored cats.

If you’re curious about the breed’s unique patterning, here’s a more detailed explanation: The term “misting” refers to the blurring effect of the tabby pattern, caused by a combination of the sepia color-restricting gene and the blending of agouti and non-agouti hairs.

The character of the Australian Mist

Kittens of this breed are lively, but as adults, they are only moderately active. It is known that they can be trained to walk on a leash and even play fetch. According to TICA, neutered Australian Mists adapt well to living with other cats and dogs. They are generally known for their wonderful temperament, combining independence with affection. As mentioned earlier, they tend to make friends wherever they go, which is no exaggeration. An Australian Mist is such a charming, delightful, and well-natured companion that it’s impossible not to like them. And they manage this without ever being boring.

The ideal environment for the Australian Mist

The Australian Mist is great for families with small children, as they tolerate being picked up, petted, and cuddled very well. (Of course, it’s important to socialize the cat and teach children how to handle it properly.) They are very attached to their families and don’t cope well with loneliness or neglect. This breed requires attention but never demands it.

Caring for the Australian Mist

Caring for an Australian Mist couldn’t be easier! With a short coat consisting only of guard hairs, they barely shed and don’t need much brushing. However, a weekly grooming session is recommended, if only to strengthen the bond between cat and owner. Bathing should only be done if necessary.

As with any cat, it’s important to regularly clean their eyes and ears, and brushing their teeth daily or every other day is also advised. Always feed them the highest-quality, protein-rich food you can afford, appropriate for their age and condition. Make sure they always have fresh water available, and scoop the litter box daily.

Common health problems of the Australian Mist

Their expected lifespan is 15-18 years. So far, no genetic or hereditary health issues have been identified in Australian Mists, thanks in part to their genetic background, which includes both domestic and purebred cats.

However, like any cat, they may be at risk for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a common heart disease that can lead to heart failure and death. It’s essential for breeders to screen for this disease. Since the symptoms don’t always appear in the cat’s early years, it’s important for owners to take their pets for regular checkups.

australian mist cat breed

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