Breed description László Enikő Kurilian Bobtail cat breed: for centuries it lived on a remote island waiting to be discovered
Breed description László Enikő Ragdoll cat breed: some people believed that aliens have contributed to its development
Breed description László Enikő Sokoke cat breed: the African tabby cat that once lived in trees and hunted only insects
Breed description László Enikő Pixie-bob cat breed: it reminds many people of the lynx, has a short tail and even 6-7 toes!
Breed description László Enikő Nebelung cat breed: also known as the creature of the mist, long considered a longer-haired version of the Russian blue
Breed description László Enikő German Rex cat breed: the unique rarity living in the shadow of its English relative
Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cat: the difference between these two beautiful furballs Life • 3 minutes