
Have you ever seen a vampire cat? We will show you in a video!

Hangai Lilla

2024. October 17 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

So, is it a vampire or a cat? This creature has longer fangs than Dracula himself.


Pixel in the video is not a vampire, of course, but rather the sweetest smiling cat—a Cornish Rex tomcat. We’ll explain shortly how normal it is for a cat to boast such long fangs.

The canines in cats are also used for tearing, and as a result, it is not uncommon for them to grow longer in some individuals. This is a perfectly normal phenomenon; there is nothing wrong with the cat. It has been observed that this can be particularly common in black cats. Experts believe that these long canine teeth in cats are inherited from their wild ancestors. DNA tests have shown that the black coat color was maintained by ancestors and later passed on because it made them more efficient hunters, helping them to hide. In fact, thanks to researchers, we now know that black fur also masks a stronger immune system (literally and figuratively). Cats of this shade are more resistant to many diseases. Pixel, although not completely black, has the standard shade of black smoke, meaning smoky black.

Click here to learn about cats’ gums, especially how to recognize if there is a problem.

canine cat videos cute video vampire cat video

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