
Cat returns home with a shocking war relic

Szénási Szimonetta

2024. September 19 - Photo: Getty Images Hungary

It's both shocking and quite funny.


The war cat in the video below can’t hide where it’s been or, more precisely, what it’s been up to. The relic adorning the tip of its nose says it all.

As you can see, what’s sticking out of the cat’s nose is none other than a full claw. It clearly had quite the confrontation with someone.

The risk is high!

While the hooked-nosed feline presents a funny sight, it’s important to note that such “cat fights” can have serious consequences. In addition to sustaining serious injuries, the animal could catch numerous infections, some of which may be incurable, like feline AIDS or Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).

Moreover, outdoor and free-roaming cats are exposed to other dangers, such as getting hit by a car or being taken in by someone. Thus, we emphasize once again that it’s best to keep your pet indoors or build them an outdoor cat enclosure.

cat on the loose cat video Diseases FIP video

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