
5 Enchanting Catnip Tea Recipes for Our Purring Friends

Hangai Lilla

2024. August 7 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Sometimes, we simply want to bring joy to our cats with a delightful new treat. The majority of cats respond to catnip, so it makes sense to create a creative surprise using this magical ingredient.


The following recipes using catnip are generally safe for cats, but individual sensitivities can occur. If in doubt, always consult your veterinarian!

Catnip tea invigorates the body and the soul

Here are refreshing and invigorating recipes using catnip

1.) Simple catnip tea


  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 pinch of dried or fresh catnip

Preparation: Boil the water and pour it over the catnip in a cup. Once the tea has cooled to room temperature, serve it in your cat’s water bowl.

2.) Meaty catnip tea

Perhaps this combination seems less appetizing to us, think with the mind of your pet. While the catnip sends them soaring, the broth pampers their taste buds.


  • 1 cup of warm water
  • 6 g fresh or dried catnip
  • 1 sachet of cat soup, about 40 g

Preparation: In a sealable container, combine the water, broth, and catnip, and mix well. This will make four servings; store the remainder in the freezer. Depending on the weather, you can serve it icy cold or slightly warmed.

If you prefer homemade ingredients, cook the meat without spices to make the broth, which can be used to prepare the tea.

3.) Iced catnip tea

It can be a great cooling treat in the heat.


  • 5 dl water
  • 12 g dried or fresh catnip
  • ice

Preparation: Boil the water, then add the catnip. Let it steep for 5 minutes, then strain and let it cool slightly. Place 1-2 ice cubes in your cat’s water dish and pour in the catnip tea.

Alternatively, you can make the tea as described above, pour it into an ice cube tray, and add these catnip ice cubes to your cat’s water as needed.

4.) Ginger catnip tea

This tea can help soothe a rumbling tummy or simply provide pleasure. Ginger is traditionally used to treat nausea, although we emphasize that if you overdo it, you can achieve the opposite effect.


  • 6 g fresh or dried catnip
  • 1 tablespoon of milk for cats (available in pet shops, drugstores)
  • half a cup of hot water
  • half cm fresh ginger

Preparation: Place the ginger and catnip in a cup and pour the hot water over them. Let it steep for 6 minutes, then strain. Add the cat milk and allow the tea to cool to room temperature before serving.

5.) Herbal catnip tea

Originally for humans, this recipe can easily be made cat-friendly by omitting sugar, honey, and lemon.


  • 6 g fresh or dried catnip
  • 2-3 basil leaves (this herb is cat-friendly)
  • 2 cups of water

Preparation: Wash the leaves, then boil the water. Place the herbs in a bowl and pour the hot water over them. Press the leaves slightly to release their aroma. After 15 minutes, strain the tea, let it cool, and then serve it to your cat.


If you notice any unusual reactions in your cat, contact your veterinarian immediately! Although these recipes are generally safe, individual sensitivities cannot be completely ruled out.

Another important point is that if your cat does not seem enthusiastic about the new drinks, do not force them! The best approach is to leave the original water bowl with fresh water alongside the tea. This ensures there is no issue with fluid intake even if the tea does not appeal to your cat.

If you don’t want to stop here, here are 4 ice cream recipes for cats.
catnip recipe recipes for cats

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