
Find out when it is not spring shedding for your cat

Kövess Péter

2024. May 18 - Photos: Getty Images Hungary

Woman's hand is combing Russian blue cat with a soft special brush for cats on a grey sofa

Cat hair sheds naturally, so it is not necessarily a cause for concern, but it may be linked to certain health problems.


Spring shedding is a normal part of our pets’ lives, so it shouldn’t be surprising if your cat sheds more than average. But what other causes might there be, and how do you know if it is linked to a disease? Read our article to find out.

In spring, it is natural for cats to shed more hair

Why cat hair sheds excessively

There are many reasons why a cat may have excessive shedding. Sometimes it is caused by behavioural problems, while in other cases it may be a sign of an underlying illness. “A cat changes its coat twice a year. However, cats kept indoors shed their hair to varying degrees throughout the year,” said vet Dr Andrea Bodó. According to the expert, hair loss can be considered abnormal,

if it is more than usual, if it falls out in patches or if it is accompanied by skin symptoms.

The veterinarian added that the phenomenon is often traumatic in origin. If the cat is infested by fleas or other external parasites, it can rub the fur off by licking it or scratch it out with its paws. Hormonal causes cannot be ruled out – for example, due to an overactive thyroid gland – but symmetrical shedding is relatively rare in cats.

Hair loss due to allergies can also occur, often in the soft tissue or underarm area, and is accompanied with redness or other skin lesions,” Dr Andrea Bodó pointed out.

Excessive hair loss can also be the result of parasite infestation

In addition to all this, experts say there may also be a suspicion of ringworm, which is a fungal infection that causes hair loss. Alternatively, there may be muscle or joint pain from other ailments, which may prompt the cat to lick the affected area in an attempt to relieve discomfort.

There may also be a psychological reason

If your pet has patches of hair loss, it may be due to a condition known as psychogenic alopecia, which is a psychological condition. In this case, the cat is pulling out its fur by excessive grooming. This most commonly affects the forelegs, inner thighs, abdomen and around the anus.

Experts believe that this behaviour is triggered by certain stressors or other situations that cause anxiety.

How to help your pet

Many conditions, including skin conditions and thyroid disorders, can be treated with the right medicines to stop hair loss. If your cat is infested with fleas or ticks, you not only need to take care of it, but also you may want to clean the house and disinfect its equipment and bedding, as there is a risk of re-infestation. In the case of alopecia, the behavioural problem should also be treated and it is recommended to focus on preventing itching, pain and secondary infections.

About what skin diseases cats can develop and what can be done about them, click here for a more detailed summary.

behavioural problems bunda cat hair hair loss Health parasites skin diseases veterinarian

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